The 1948 Revival & Now

Milford E. Kirkpatrick


4. Laying On Of Hands

This principle was new to us in many respects. We had laid hands on the sick, but when the prophet spoke of laying on of hands and prophecy, this sent everyone to their knees, faculty and students alike.

In those days we searched the scripture to see if these things were true. We took time off from regular activities for three whole days. All went to their rooms to pray and search the scriptures. On the fourth day all came out with their findings, and everyone, without exception, said, "It is absolutely Biblical and scriptural." Hebrews 6:2 was quoted which speaks of it as a doctrine. Acts 13:14 shows that the early church practiced it. I Timothy 1:18 and 4:14, and II Timothy 1:6 shows that Paul believed in the laying on of hands and prophecy. Mark 16:18 says "they shall lay hands on the sick." So as far as we were concerned, the doctrine of laying on of hands and prophecy was accepted and we believed the Biblical record.

I think that there has been more backlash from this principle of truth than from any other of the seven. I believe it is because it has not been fully understood. Nevertheless this truth has been established and is practiced in many groups today. The prophet said that the gifts would come into operation by the laying on of
hands and prophecy. I ask the question: What could be wrong with that? Do we not want the gifts operating in our services? I believe we do. If there is a Biblical method to get these gifts functioning, this is what we want. It was never the case in the early days of the revival that we were to give out the gifts like Christmas presents as some have supposed, but that the gifts would simply come into operation by the laying on of hands and prophecy. Many times gifts lie dormant in the individual and with some encouragement they will begin to operate.

Let me give you one instance out of many. We laid hands upon a certain sister, a very consecrated lady, and prophecy came forth that she would have the gift of healing. In those days we were very careful to prove all things. In that same service there was a baby whose little body was covered with eczema. The mother had little mittens on the baby's hands to keep the baby from scratching the itch on its body. We said to the sister that we had just laid hands on, "Turn around and pray for the baby." Before the eyes of hundreds of people the eczema disappeared from the baby's body.

Many other things came into operation. It was prophesied that some would have the gift of tongues. Now someone may say, "You are really getting fanatical." I would like to ask the question: Did they not speak in languages that were understood on the Day of Pentecost? We did not recommend or suggest that when missionaries went to foreign countries that they should not study the languages, but we did stress the possibility that the gift of tongues or languages could operate and alert the people. In no way did we discredit the use of the gift of tongues and interpretation in services, but exhorted the people to believe for the more mature operation, which like on the Day of Pentecost aroused attention (Acts 2:6).

A tremendous thing happened to a missionary in Japan which I knew personally. He was preaching to the Japanese by means of an interpreter, and when he got halfway through his message the interpreter turned and said to him, "You do not need me. You are speaking good Japanese." Needless to say, many were at the altar that night.

Would you pardon a personal testimony that took place when we were doing missionary work in Hawaii. May I say here that when the brethren laid their hands on me in 1948, prophecy came saying that the gifts would come into operation in my ministry when necessary. We were in a convention one night and for some reason it did not get off to a good start. Perhaps it was because there were several dignitaries there and quite a few businessmen, and everyone may have been a little tense in the first meeting. I felt the fire beginning to burn in my heart and a message in tongues was inside of me. I said to the Lord, "Not tonight, there are too many rich people here and men of high standing," but still the fire burned. So finally I said, "Lord, help me," and I spoke the message. A missionary who had spent twenty years in China jumped to his feet and said he had understood every word, and proceeded to explain the message to the people. The blessing of the Lord came down and changed the whole atmosphere into one of great liberty.

I relate a few of these stories, that can be authenticated, to prove to anyone who has doubted the genuineness of that great visitation. I could tell of many other instances that showed the gifts coming into operation as a result of laying on of hands and prophecy. We need the restoration of these signs today. Not that we seek for signs and wonders, but that signs and wonders should follow the preaching of the Word.

There is an impartation of the Spirit of God when hands are laid upon people. When Moses laid his hands on Joshua, something happened to Joshua. The spirit of wisdom which had resided in Moses came upon him (Deut. 34:9). Something happened to Timothy when Paul laid his hands on him, for Paul admonished him "neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery" (I Tim. 4:14). As Paul contended for these things, in this sense do I declare what is truth regarding the 1948 revival.

What about prophecy? So many people are afraid of prophecy. They have a reason to be in some cases, when there have been some spurious prophecies, purely the product of man's mind. However, in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, they were told to judge prophecy. I always say, if you happen to get hold of a counterfeit dollar bill, that does not mean that there is not the real and genuine.

Prophecy is good when properly controlled. Back in the beginning of the revival we were very careful that it was not done promiscuously, and it was not to be carried on in little cottage prayer meetings without recognized leadership, or by individuals isolated from the local church. However, we do read in the Bible that under extraordinary circumstances prophets did speak to give directions, such as Agabus (Acts 21:11). He was a recognized prophet. We felt if there was a directive prophecy there should be a presbytery present in the open congregation; it was not to be done wholesale as some suppose. The prophets judged one another (I Cor. 14:29). Likewise we constantly checked one another. When it is ministered according to the Word of God there is no danger, on the contrary, it is of real benefit.

There are many good books written on the gifts of the Spirit, but I have not read one to my knowledge with any suggestion of laying on of hands and prophecy to help the gifts come into operation. Now, I am not saying that there are not gifts operating without the laying on of hands. I know gifts are operating. Sometimes people pray through themselves. What I am saying is that oftentimes God's people need this kind of help.

May I use this simple illustration? You could visit a primitive part of Africa and find a native. You could give him an ordinary match and ask him to make a fire. He could carry that match for days without striking it, unless he accidentally struck it, and never produce a fire. But you could take it from him and simply strike it on some rough surface and behold you have shown him how to produce a fire. Even so with the things of the Spirit. They seem so easy once you are shown how or someone has given you a little assistance.

These principles, especially this one of laying on of hands, are just a means to an end to help get the gifts and ministries operating in individuals. In many cases prophecy is a confirmation of something already in the human heart, and will aid the individual to move out in that realm.

Many times in our missionary work, just before leaving for a certain field, brethren have gathered around us and have laid hands on us committing us to the Lord in prayer. Sometimes a message of warning would come for me to be cautious and careful in certain areas, or encouraging me about something I was to face, and sure enough, things would happen according to the word of the Lord. What an encouragement it is to anyone to know that other brethren stand behind you and commit you to the Lord. It was practiced in the early church and it has great prominence around the world today. This was something that God was so gracious to reveal to us in 1948.

I would like to say in all humility that there was much blessing in those days as we ministered to others. People came to the meetings from many areas to have hands laid upon them. We always admonished them to fast and pray for several days, and then, as God would indicate to us, His servants, we would pray over them. This was because we were warned in the first prophecy that God gave, that He would indicate to His servants from time to time who should be prayed over. Many times people are not as ready as they think they are. This was a safeguard against wholesale procedure. One man came up and was eager to be prophesied over as a preacher. The prophet said, "It is not the pulpit for you but the plow." He went back to his seat very humiliated.

As already stated, people came to be ministered to from many areas. Our party then was invited to go to some of the major cities in Canada. From Vancouver, British Columbia we were invited to travel down the West coast. There were overflow meetings everywhere. We were led to pray over many of the preachers that have some very good flourishing assemblies today, with very good missionary outreach also.

I feel somewhat like Paul when he said, "But we will not boast of things without our measure, but according to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you" (II Cor. 10:13). This is how I feel. I rejoice that I have had a part in the laying on of hands and prophecy in the early days of the revival over many who are still ministering today. So I feel an attachment to many of God's people.

It was rather amusing in the beginning how the laying on of hands started. The question was, who would have the faith to start doing it? Like anything new in the Spirit, it takes faith to begin. God spoke to the brother that gave the first prophecy. He was a bit afraid to lay hands on anyone. At that moment, someone in the back of the congregation said, "My servant, what the Lord has told you to do, do it, don't be afraid." So who do you think he chose? I was sitting in the middle of the front seat and it was only halfway through the service when he walked over to me and took me by the hand. I thought this was a peculiar time to shake hands, but when he took me by the hand I felt the glorious anointing. I might say that God had prepared my heart. I had been in prayer the night before and for the first time in years was slain by the power of God, and when the brother took me by the hand I felt the same anointing. Then he began to prophesy and mentioned the ministry of the apostle, which of course means a missionary, or a sent one. He said the gifts of the Spirit would come into operation when needed. This was, of course, a confirmation, as I had already been doing some of this type of work.

The burden that the Lord had placed on my heart was to help start new works. Early in my ministry I had pioneered. There was a lot of hammer and saw work along with the preaching. I am still endeavoring to fulfill that ministry, only there is not so much hammer and saw, but rather the building up of the Temple of the Lord. I must testify and say that the ministry of the laying on of hands has given me a greater incentive. Hence, I have travelled to many countries and have seen outstanding results. The gifts of the Spirit have been in operation and have brought much blessing. I ascribe all the glory to God the giver of every perfect gift.

It was not my intention to elaborate on the gifts of the Spirit, however, these were quickened in the lives of many at that time. These faculties are necessary in the Body of Christ, just like faculties are necessary in the physical body. Paul says in I Corinthians 1:7, "So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." The Lord willing, I will be writing a book on the gifts of the Spirit at a later date.

Continue To Chapter 5