Unusual Christian Stories

True Tales of God's Love

Milford Ernest Kirkpatrick

True Tale of God’s Love
Number 2

My Second Birth

My first birth was important. I wouldn't be here to share these true stories of God's miraculous interventions if I had died at birth. My second birth was important too. My first birth was a natural one, this second birth was spiritual. It was a rebirth.

In John 3:3, when Jesus spoke to Nicodemus, He called it "being born again." Fifteen years after my natural birth, I had this spiritual rebirth.

By this time my parents had eight children. I was the oldest. Like most of the families around us, we were not church-goers. We never heard the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ. Some might have called us "heathen." All we knew was to how play cards (which I call the devil's bible), attend worldly shows, and go to dances.

Dad, Mother, and I formed an orchestra. Mother played the piano. Dad and I played violins. There was a dance every Friday night at the dance hall. My Dad liked to play square dance music, but I liked to play more modern waltz music like, "Girl of my dreams, I love you."

Here is where I would like to share with you how God arranged my conversion from heathen to saved. It happened one Saturday night when my Dad and Mother were at the neighbor's house playing cards. That's how they often spent their time.

I had to stay home to baby-sit my sisters and brothers. I didn't like baby-sitting because sometimes I had to discipline them. But this particular evening things were unusually harmonious. I was out at the barn making sure the horses and cows were set for the night. I had just closed the barn door and was leaning on a hay fork. I thought, "What a beautiful evening, a nice blue sky."

Suddenly a strange feeling came over me. I didn’t know it was a touch from the Holy Spirit. I never experienced anything like that before, so I didn’t recognize Him when He came upon me.

I began to think about God and the purpose of my life. I knew there was a God who made all things. I thought about my condition. I knew I was a sinner. I didn't need a preacher to tell me that. I believe everyone feels this conviction. Deep on the inside, all of us sense our desperate need for salvation.

A desire to know God overwhelmed me. As I looked down at my dog, Micky, I knew there was something different between people and animals, more than what you see in the natural. I said to myself, "I don't believe I will die like an animal dies. Is there something in me that is eternal?" I guess that was my first spiritual question.

The second question that came to me was, "I wonder if that old Bible on the shelf in the kitchen is the road map from earth to heaven." I had looked at this Bible a couple of times. I read parts of the book of Ezekiel, that is some deep prophecy.

As I thought about the second question, it seemed like a hand hit me on my heart. It was the word of God. His word is like a hammer breaking through a wall, to allow the light of God’s love to flood into your soul. This light was about to flood into mine.

My third question was the most vital one. I looked up into that beautiful blue sky and said, "God can a sinner like me know you and be ready for heaven?"

Then it was God's turn. I heard His audible voice. What love was in that voice! I could actually feel it. He said, "Son give me thine heart." I exclaimed out loud, "O.K. Lord." That was my first prayer. When I said it, I was born the second time. This was a spiritual awakening. Since that first prayer I have tried to say, "O.K. Lord," to all that God has asked me to do.

I am happy to tell you, that after my conversion, my whole family got saved. Five of us have served in the ministry.

Continue To Chapter 3