Unusual Christian Stories

True Tales of God's Love

Milford Ernest Kirkpatrick


We first met Milford Kirkpatrick in 1994 when he came to preach at a church we attended. The first thing we noticed about him was his compassion and love for people. God's love, by the Holy Spirit, works mightily through this man.

As of 2002, Brother Kirk is 89 years old. He may not travel as much as he once did, but he has not stopped telling people how much God loves them. That's what this booklet is about - God's love.

He has a wonderful sense of humor. If you were to ask Brother Kirk, When are you going to retire from the ministry? he will tell you, Never. I will not retire, I will refire. After more than sixty years in the ministry, he is still on fire for God.

I have no doubt you will enjoy this book. It has eight exciting stories about how God worked through supernatural means to provide for and protect Brother Kirk and his wife, Phyllis, and how God used them to help others. These encouraging stories reveal how much God cares about all of us.

--- Sperry Russ

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