Unusual Christian Stories

True Tales of God's Love

Milford Ernest Kirkpatrick

True Tale of God’s Love
Number 1


I was born on a farm in a country town in Western Canada. My Dad married a girl who had recently come from Norway. I was their first child. There was no hospital nearby, only a country doctor.

When my mother went into labor, my Dad called Doctor Cameron. The doctor came as soon as he could. My mother was in a terrible struggle trying to give birth to a twelve and a half pound baby boy. The doctor did all he could to help her.

Finally, he walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where my Dad was waiting. He said, "One of them is going to die. Only one will live. Which one will it be?" My Dad had to choose who would live, his son or his wife. He said, "My wife."

But Almighty God had a better plan. Perhaps when He heard Doctor Cameron's declaration of death, God said, "Is that so?" and immediately intervened in my destiny. My Mother was able to give birth to me. Both of us survived.

That was my first miracle. God spared my life. He had something better in store for me than being cut off at the moment of birth.

As I write this chapter, I am eighty nine years old. When I went back to my birth place, I saw the old farm. I recalled when I was a little boy and remembered how I rode my toy wagon down a hill. That hill seemed so big to me when I was small. But as a grown man, I could see that it was just a knoll.

Looking back, I realize God has allowed me to see the invention of the first car, the first airplane, and the first radio. I have lived to see the modern technology we have today. God has been so good to me. He allowed me to live and He enabled me to fulfill my call into the ministry.

For sixty four years I have been a minister. I have preached the gospel in over twenty countries. I have experienced God’s love. He is Love. And, He loves you. Because of this love, He will work miracles in your life. Expect it.

I enjoyed taking this trip back in time with you. Now, I will share with you more of the wonders God so graciously performed in my life.

Continue To Chapter 2