Unusual Christian Stories

True Tales of God's Love

Milford Ernest Kirkpatrick

True Tale of God’s Love
Number 5

Safe Landing

I was piloting my plane from Binghamton, New York to Buffalo, New York when a fog came down from above. It settled upon me.

I found myself in an terrible fix. I lost sight of everything, and I had no instrument training to call upon to help me out of this jam. I was flying over rough, hilly country. I was frightened. I cried out to the Lord, "Save me from a crash."

All of a sudden, out of my mouth came a rebuke to the fog. I didn't speak it in English. I spoke it in an unknown language, a heavenly one. Immediately the fog disappeared. Now I know it was the Holy Spirit speaking through me. Then I didn't know it.

I turned my plane around so that I could land, and calm down. As I looked behind me, there wasn't even a trace of fog to be found anywhere. Amazing.

I flew to the nearest airport, Dansville, and landed safely. When I got out of the plane, I think my knees were still knocking together. I regained my composure and flew to Buffalo.

The Lord had worked a miracle to save one of His servants, me. I was grateful. I was also thankful for Him teaching me that the weather has to obey Him. I learned that He has authority over all things.

Continue To Chapter 6